Bridget Kavanagh (née Murphy) (b. 1924) (part 2)
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Bridget Kavanagh (née Murphy) (b. 1924) (part 2)


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In this second recording with Bridget Kavanagh, she recalls in more detail young days growing up in Maddoxtown. She recalls the carting of the stone to the marble-works and the process through which the stone was brought until the final product emerged. She discusses the way of life of the workers, the various craftspeople who helped to keep the show on the road in repairing the machinery, and looking after the horses. On the closure of the marbleworks, Bridget’s father initially worked as a labourer at a local estate, but still used his craft as a headstone maker and would travel distances to work on commissions.

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Audio series:

Kilkenny (Clara parish), third series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

7.40 MB, 31.78 MB, 3.25 MB, 10.92 MB

Number of files:


Product ID:



The marble-works recalled

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe