Paddy Finlay, Age 73, Daingean Road, Tullamore
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Paddy Finlay, Age 73, Daingean Road, Tullamore


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Work was hard to get in the ‘Hungry Fifties’ in Ireland, and many people emigrated, including members of the Finlay family. There were seven brothers in the family, five of whom emigrated, Tom to New Zealand and Paddy to England, with two of his other brothers. His brother Bernie inherited the farm, and his brother Sean passed away. It was agreed amongst the brothers who were abroad to return to Tullamore to form a construction company.

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Audio series:

Offaly county, fourth series


128 kbps

Download time limit:

48 hours

File size(s):

43.36 MB

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Product ID:



A returned family of emigrants

Recorded by:

Maurice O’Keeffe